Wednesday, January 19, 2011

SRR and IMI Video Summer 2010

Pepe was a little heavy (or, if you want to be brutally honest, Monica was a little puny) for dirt riding.  Add the little problem of nonstop falls whenever Pepe and I saw a dirt road and we had a bit of a problem. 
Enter Pit.  A 1990 KX125 that runs like the little Engine that Could. 

SRR and the DRZ Fall 2008

The DRZ400 before the DRZ400 was popularized by Sibling Rivalry Racing.  Now, as we all know, everyone and their little brother has a DRZ400.

Toy Drive December 2008

Toy Ride 2008 – First one for me, 42nd one for Joe.  Great experience.  The next year it snowed so I let him enjoy the ride all by himself. 

DRZs take IMI Sept 2008

 I was amazed at all the people stopping to admire Sibling Rivalry Racing's rig.  I knew people were impressed by the way they pointed us out to all of their friends.  Luckily, Joe has been here quite a few times so the other racers weren't too overwhelmed to say 'hi'. 

The Yoda was the first SRR truck and has put up with an amazing amount of nonsense from both siblings.  This time, obviously, we squeezed two DRZs plus all of our gear and the Yoda never uttered a word of complaint (probably because he didn't have any extra energy).

First time on the dirt (with a little snow thrown in for fun) Oct 2008

The co-founders (my brother and I) of Sibling Rivalry Racing© (SRR), left early Saturday morning for the mountains.  The following adventures occurred in only six hours:

A herd of deer caused immediate and opposite reactions from the members of SRR.  I cautiously slowed down.  My brother sped up and attempted to tap a deer on its bum.  This is the difference between my brother and I. 

We saw several large (bull?) elk.  I didn’t realize how large an elk was, particularly the antlers.  Surprisingly, my brother didn’t attempt to tap an elk.

Once again, I incorrectly predicted the weather.  Unfortunately, Joe had asked my opinion on the temperature and had dressed accordingly (I bet he doesn’t make that mistake again.)  It turns out that there are mountains between Denver and Fairplay and the highway goes Over the mountains. 

Before leaving, I thought the mountains look so beautiful. 
Now I know that they are cold and slippery.

      Joe took the lead when we finally reached my very first dirt road. He was kind enough to show me (multiple times how a motorcycle could bounce and spinout and do all sorts of things my mother always warned me about. I tried valiantly to keep up and rode over the first patch of snow before my brain had a chance to compute Snow Slippery Hurt. Pepe did just fine, as he always does as long as I don’t interfere too much.

 Here I am!!!  First pic of me and Pepe.

SRR went over larger and larger patches of snow/mud/ice until Joe was stopped by the limited traction of his street tires and I was stopped by my limited skills.  This occurred nearly simultaneously.  Of course, Joe stopped with his feet and tires neatly positioned on the ground.  And I stopped with all feet and tires pointed straight towards the sky.  Luckily, Joe didn’t know where I kept the camera. 

Here is the snow that stopped me. 
Joe and Pepe went on a scouting mission further up the trail.

Going down is actually trickier than going up as gravity gets bored and tries to speed things up a bit.  I was completely frozen from fear and so Pepe took over and we got down the trail safely.  I don’t remember any of it, but Joe said it was pretty quick. 

Rockin' Rampart Range - Nov 2008

 Yep - I'm that good.  Look at that attitude, that outfit, that bike.  You can tell, even from a distance, that this gal knows what is going on.  At all times.  Everywhere.
 This seemingly casual pose was actually designed to show how steep the walls were on some of the trails.  Others might feel differently, but with walls like that on both sides of a narrow trail - it was do or die - or do and die - but there was no backing out.
 Again with the casual, yet oh-so-authoritative pose.  Don't ever underestimate the power of a milk crate to really boost a person's ego.

Here is the reason this is the only picture of Joe at Rampart Range - he kept running around and climbing things and zipping in and out of the trees and, in general, doing his best impersonation of Hammy the Squirrel.  At least he was wearing his helmet.

2003 Nissan Truck Day

2003 Nissan Day - Joe and I having a serious discussion - or not - I have no idea what we were talking about. 

But I do remember he wasn't in a four wheel drive vehicle and I was and I haven't gone four wheeling in my truck since.